Monday, May 28, 2007

Never Alone at Amazon

It was a surprise to find Never Alone had received 3.5 stars from Amazons reviews!


Erik said...

An excellent book, it covered a lot of values that are missing within us as people and society. The values and principles of: HOPE, LOVE, SPIRIT OF GIVING, and acknowledging the fact you’re never alone because GOD is with us all.

I though the writing and pictures complimented each other for both children and adults to enjoy.

Thank you for writing it Dell, much success on future books.


Manuel said...

This book is a great witnessing tool. Way too often in this generation our kids are growing up feeling alone and not even knowing what love really is. Much of this is due to our divorce rate being so high and many parents being on drugs or in prison, but their is so many other reasons our kids are gowing up feeling this way and carrying it into their adulthood.
This book will bring you and your little ones back to the truth and ensure you that no matter what your'e going through or what your circumstance is,there is ALWAYS someone who loves you uncondition- naly and you are NEVER alone.
(Great book)Thank you for the truth. God bless you.